超好吃的糖醋青椒酿肉怎么做_下饭网 - 分享美味下饭菜!


2020-12-25 15:32:31  浏览:1484  作者:管理员


Many people like to eat some sour and sweet dishes, especially the friends in Jiangsu area. They must have eaten sweet and sour green pepper meat. Today, I'll tell you how to make sweet and sour green pepper meat.



1. 1·肉馅中加入料酒,姜粉,花椒粉,盐,糖,鸡精,生抽,香油。2·搅打上劲拌均匀,取一个洗净的青椒用筷子把肉馅灌入,灌满。3·依次把所有的青椒全部灌满做好。4·不粘锅少到一些油放入青椒煎至一下。5·青椒皮微起皱即好。 1. Add cooking wine, ginger powder, pepper powder, salt, sugar, chicken essence, soy sauce and sesame oil to the meat. 2. Stir and mix well. Take a clean green pepper and fill it with chopsticks. 3. Fill all the green peppers in turn. 4. Don't stick to the pan, add less oil to the green pepper and fry until it's done. 5. The skin of green pepper is wrinkled.

2. 6·把煎过的青椒放入炒锅中放入葱姜。7·加入适量的清水。8·加入料酒。9·加入一勺老抽,一勺生抽。10·再加入三勺香醋。11·加入三勺白糖。12·盖上盖子大火煮开,中火煮至水分快干时,把青椒盛出来。13·剩下的汤汁加入少许盐和鸡精,水淀粉勾薄欠搅拌均匀。14·把汤汁浇在青椒上即好。 6. Put the fried green pepper into the frying pan, and add the onion and ginger. 7. Add proper amount of water. 8. Add cooking wine. 9. Add a spoonful of old soy sauce and a spoonful of raw soy sauce. 10. Add three teaspoons of vinegar. Add 11 sugar and 3 teaspoons. 12. Cover and bring to a boil over high heat. Cook over medium heat until the water is almost dry. Remove the green pepper. 13. Add a little salt and chicken essence to the rest of the soup, and mix the water and starch evenly. Pour the soup on the green pepper.

3. 关于制作糖醋青椒酿肉的方法小编已经告诉大家详细的步骤了,希望有喜欢的小伙伴千万不要错过哦! About the method of making sweet and sour green pepper meat, Xiaobian has told you the detailed steps, hope to have a little partner who likes, don't miss it!

