蒜苗回锅肉窍门在哪里_下饭网 - 分享美味下饭菜!


2021-01-09 12:11:29  浏览:1788  作者:管理员


You must have eaten it. If you want to know how to stir fry it, it must be garlic sprouts. The taste of garlic sprouts stir fry it is really wonderful. Where are the tips of garlic sprouts stir fry it? Let's have a look.



1. 用水将五花肉煮成半熟 大概十分钟左右,将肉 蒜苗 配料等切好备用,起锅 加一点油 比平时炒菜的量少一些 下五花肉 翻炒2分钟,微干,周围翘起为宜。下豆瓣酱 生姜 蒜 豆豉 花椒 炒香 再将肉混进来继续翻炒。 Cook the pork with water until half cooked for about 10 minutes. Cut the ingredients of pork and garlic seedlings and set them aside. Add a little oil to the pot, which is less than the usual amount of cooking. Stir fry the pork for 2 minutes, slightly dry, and turn up around. Stir fry ginger, garlic, Douchi and pepper with Douban sauce until fragrant, then mix the meat and continue to stir fry.

2. 加生抽、老抽、醋、糖、盐下蒜苗,继续翻炒,全程大火。蒜苗炒熟后 加鸡精翻炒均匀即可起锅 不要炒过头了哟,美味 开饭啦! Add raw soy sauce, soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, salt garlic, continue to stir fry, the whole fire. Add chicken essence to stir fry the garlic sprouts. Don't overdo it. It's delicious!

3. 蒜苗回锅肉窍门在哪里,就是在炒的时候加的那些料,调料一定要调对,上面就给大家介绍了该如何调料,按照上面的做法,你会收获一到好吃的蒜苗回锅肉的。 What's the trick of garlic sprout twice cooked meat? It's the ingredients added when frying. The seasoning must be adjusted correctly. The above describes how to seasoning. According to the above practice, you will get delicious garlic sprout twice cooked meat.



