砂锅啤酒鸡怎么做味道好_下饭网 - 分享美味下饭菜!


2020-12-21 21:30:01  浏览:4247  作者:管理员


If you are going to make a casserole beer chicken in winter, you are not sure how to make it. Now I'm going to teach you how to make beer chicken in casserole. Let's have a look.



1. 砂锅啤酒鸡超级美味。热锅凉油放入花椒、姜片、干红辣椒小火慢慢煸香。加入鸡块大火煸炒。炒至鸡块金黄色放入老抽拌匀再煸炒,这样鸡块上色还要酱香味。 Beer chicken in casserole is delicious. Hot pot cool oil into pepper, ginger, dry red pepper, small fire slowly stir fragrant. Add chicken and stir fry. Stir fry until the chicken is golden yellow, mix well with soy sauce and stir fry, so that the color of chicken pieces needs sauce flavor.

2. 炒至鸡块金黄色放入老抽拌匀再煸炒,这样鸡块上色还要酱香味。移至砂锅,倒入啤酒,啤酒量以淹没鸡肉为准盖上盖子大火煮滚,转中火焖十五至二十分钟分钟。 Stir fry until the chicken is golden yellow, mix well with soy sauce and stir fry, so that the color of chicken pieces needs sauce flavor. Remove to a casserole, pour in beer. The amount of beer is to cover the chicken and bring to a boil. Turn to medium heat and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes.

3. 关于制作砂锅啤酒鸡的具体步骤小编就给大家简单的说到这里了,是不是非常简单呢?而且砂锅啤酒鸡味道真的很棒,大家赶紧去试一试哦! On the production of casserole beer chicken specific steps, the small editor to give you a simple here, is not very simple? And the taste of chicken in casserole is really great. Let's have a try!

