养颜瘦身健脾喝什么好 这几种汤赶快收藏_下饭网 - 分享美味下饭菜!

养颜瘦身健脾喝什么好 这几种汤赶快收藏

2020-12-25 15:44:02  浏览:1138  作者:管理员


Many women pay more attention to their skin and don't want to grow old, so they will go to popular science and learn some knowledge about body-building. Today, I'll tell you what to eat to keep your skin healthy and slim.

养颜瘦身健脾喝什么好 这几种汤赶快收藏


Papaya salmon head soup ingredients: a green papaya, a salmon head, ginger 3, a little salt. Production method: first peel papaya and cut it into pieces, wash the fish head and cut it for standby, then put all the ingredients into clean water and cook for 10 minutes, then turn on low heat and cook slowly until it is rotten, finally add seasoning according to your own taste.

养颜瘦身健脾喝什么好 这几种汤赶快收藏

淮山莲子红豆汤材料:淮山2两,莲子2两,红豆6两,陈皮1片。    制作方法:先将红豆用水隔夜浸泡备用,再加入适量清水、陈皮一起将水煮开,水开后将所有材料全部都放进锅中煮1个小时即可食用。    减肥功效:众所周知红豆是非常好的减肥食物,营养丰富且热量低,而莲子可以养血滋阴,消肿利尿,两者搭配起来十分利于减肥。

Ingredients: 2 liang of Huaishan, 2 liang of Lianzi, 6 liang of Hongdou, 1 slice of tangerine peel. Production method: soak the red beans overnight, then add appropriate amount of water and tangerine peel to boil the water. After boiling, put all the materials into the pot and cook for 1 hour. Weight loss efficacy: as we all know, red bean is a very good weight loss food with rich nutrition and low calorie, while lotus seed can nourish blood, nourish yin, detumescence and diuresis, which is very conducive to weight loss.

养颜瘦身健脾喝什么好 这几种汤赶快收藏


Beef bone and shrimp soup can effectively help us to improve our beauty, so you can learn how to make this soup by yourself. Xiaobian will give you a brief talk about it.

