可乐排骨最简单的做法_下饭网 - 分享美味下饭菜!


2020-12-23 16:15:58  浏览:4503  作者:管理员


The children in the family must like this dish very much. Parents also hope to learn how to make this dish. Now let's take a look at the specific steps of making coke spareribs with Xiaobian.



1. 姜和蒜切片锅中放入少许油,煸炒姜片和蒜片,然后放入排骨、倒入料酒,排骨的腥膻味嗖一下就飞走啦~ Add a little oil into the ginger and garlic slicing pot, stir fry the ginger and garlic slices, then add the ribs and cooking wine, the smell of ribs will fly away~

2. 炒至排骨去除血色后,倒入可乐,可乐要没过排骨哦~加入少量盐,将大火转成中火,让排骨“咕嘟”40分钟大火收汁!准备开吃! Stir fry the ribs until the blood color is removed. Pour in cola. Add a small amount of salt. Turn the heat into medium heat. Let the ribs "gudu" for 40 minutes and collect the juice! Get ready to eat!

3. 关于制作可乐排骨的具体步骤,小编就给大家简单的说到这里了,是不是非常的简单呢?相信学会这道菜后家里的小孩可以吃两碗米饭。 As for the specific steps of making coke spareribs, I'll give you a brief introduction here. Isn't it very simple? I believe that after learning this dish, the children at home can eat two bowls of rice.

