正宗鱼香烤豆腐怎么做好吃_下饭网 - 分享美味下饭菜!


2020-12-23 15:56:25  浏览:4654  作者:管理员


I don't know if you've ever eaten this dish. This dish is very classic. Today, Xiaobian brings you the specific steps of making authentic fish flavored roast tofu. Let's have a look.



1. 老豆腐切小方块煎锅放菜籽油放豆腐丁煎至双面焦黄即可。 Cut the old tofu into small cubes, put rapeseed oil in the frying pan, and fry the diced tofu until both sides are brown

2. 准备香料,这个香料是复合的,里面有海盐,所以直接撒在煎好的豆腐块上,直接吃,非常爽口出锅装盘。 Prepare spices. The spices are compound and contain sea salt, so sprinkle them directly on the fried tofu, and eat them directly. It's very refreshing. Put them on the plate.

3. 关于制作正宗鱼香烤豆腐的具体步骤小编就给大家简单的说到这里了,这是不是非常简单,大家赶紧收藏起来吧。 As for the specific steps of making authentic fish flavored roast tofu, I'll give you a brief introduction here. Isn't it very simple? Please collect it quickly.

