阑尾炎吃什么食物好 不如试试这几种食疗方法_下载吧 - 更快更安全的下载中心!

阑尾炎吃什么食物好 不如试试这几种食疗方法

2021-02-14 13:14:08  浏览:1158  作者:管理员


Appendicitis is a very common complication, a lot of it after appendicitis, generally will be the appendix cut off, but after the operation is also to pay attention to the maintenance of ah, that appendicitis eat what food is good, to recommend some better food therapy method.

阑尾炎吃什么食物好 不如试试这几种食疗方法

桃仁薏苡仁粥:桃仁10克(去皮尖),薏苡仁30克,粳米50克,加水同煮粥至极烂服用。 多喝粥,如大枣粥、蔬菜粥、胡萝卜山药粥。芹菜瓜仁汤:芹菜30克,冬瓜仁20克,藕节20克,野菊花30克。水煎,每日分2次服。湿热型[临床表现]发热、腹痛加剧、拒按,口干欲饮、唇红,大便秘结、小便黄短,舌质红绛,苔黄腻,脉滑数。

Peach seed and coix seed porridge: 10g peach seed (peeled tip), 30g coix seed, 50g japonica rice, add water and cook porridge until rotten. Drink more porridge, such as jujube porridge, vegetable porridge, carrot and yam porridge. Celery and melon kernel soup: Celery 30g, wax gourd 20g, lotus root 20g, wild chrysanthemum 30g. Fried in water, twice a day. Damp heat type [clinical manifestations] fever, increased abdominal pain, refusal to press, dry mouth, red lips, constipation, yellow short urine, red tongue, yellow greasy fur, slippery pulse.

阑尾炎吃什么食物好 不如试试这几种食疗方法


The appendix is a long and thin tube, only one end of which is connected with the cecum. Once the appendix is obstructed, the secretion in the lumen will accumulate and the internal pressure will increase, which will compress the appendix wall and hinder the distal blood supply. On this basis, the bacteria in the lumen invade the damaged mucosa, which is easy to cause infection. Obstruction is the basic factor of acute appendicitis.

阑尾炎吃什么食物好 不如试试这几种食疗方法


Appendicitis eat what food is good, appendicitis congee is a good way, peach seed Coix congee is very suitable for appendicitis patients to eat, you can try to eat, also has a good effect, to insist on drinking will have a good effect.

