虎皮凤爪怎么做好吃_下饭网 - 分享美味下饭菜!


2020-12-27 17:43:40  浏览:1633  作者:管理员


You've all eaten tiger skin and Phoenix claws. Does it taste good? Today Xiaobian will teach you how to make tiger skin and Phoenix claws. If you're interested, you can have a look with Xiaobian!



1. 主料:鸡爪10个配料:大蒜、香葱、姜调料:韩国酱油5大勺、鱼露2大勺、花雕酒1小碗、黄冰糖10块、麦芽糖20克、红腐乳2块、盐5克、干红辣椒、香叶、花椒、大料、桂皮各适量鸡爪剪去指尖后洗净,锅里加水,水烧开后将鸡爪入锅焯烫;焯烫好后捞出用清水将表面浮沫清洗干净后晾干表面水份;在晾干水分的鸡爪表面涂抹一层麦芽糖,断续晾干;锅中烧油,油温6成热时,将鸡爪入锅炸制(记得盖锅盖,小心不要被油溅到); Main ingredients: chicken feet 10 ingredients: garlic, scallion, ginger seasoning: Korean soy sauce 5 tbsp, fish sauce 2 tbsp, Huadiao wine 1 small bowl, yellow rock sugar 10 pieces, maltose 20 g, red Sufu 2 pieces, salt 5 g, dry red pepper, fragrant leaves, Chinese prickly ash, seasoning, cinnamon each amount of chicken feet, cut off fingertips and wash, add water to the pot, boil the water and blanch the chicken feet; blanch after blanching, take out and clean the surface with water After cleaning the floating foam, dry the surface water; apply a layer of maltose on the surface of the chicken feet to dry intermittently; burn oil in the pot, when the oil temperature is 60%, fry the chicken feet in the pot (remember to cover the pot, be careful not to be splashed by the oil);

2. 将炸成金黄色的鸡爪捞起沥油后,放入冷水(冰水更好)中浸泡最少1小时以上;取一小碗,将红腐乳置入,倒入韩国酱油5大勺;再倒入鱼露2大勺;轻轻压碎腐乳块,将腐乳稀释开备用;锅中再加少许油,香葱、姜片、蒜、干红辣椒、香叶、花椒、大料、桂皮入锅煸炒;作料炒香后将腐乳混合汁倒入锅中小火炒制;冲入开水,加入冰糖;烹入花雕酒大火烧制;将炸制好的鸡爪倒入锅中炖制;炖制汤汁粘稠时即可出锅食用。 Main ingredients: chicken feet 10 ingredients: garlic, scallion, ginger seasoning: Korean soy sauce 5 tbsp, fish sauce 2 tbsp, Huadiao wine 1 small bowl, yellow rock sugar 10 pieces, maltose 20 g, red Sufu 2 pieces, salt 5 g, dry red pepper, fragrant leaves, Chinese prickly ash, seasoning, cinnamon each amount of chicken feet, cut off fingertips and wash, add water to the pot, boil the water and blanch the chicken feet; blanch after blanching, take out and clean the surface with water After cleaning the floating foam, dry the surface water; apply a layer of maltose on the surface of the chicken feet to dry intermittently; burn oil in the pot, when the oil temperature is 60%, fry the chicken feet in the pot (remember to cover the pot, be careful not to be splashed by the oil);

3. 关于制作虎皮凤爪的具体教程小编就给大家简单的说到这里了,大家喜欢的话可以收藏起来哦! On the production of tiger skin phoenix claw specific tutorial, small series to give you a simple say here, you can collect it if you like!

