自制鸡米花的家常做法怎么做_下饭网 - 分享美味下饭菜!


2020-12-24 18:14:27  浏览:1544  作者:管理员


A lot of people like to make some homemade chicken, so let's see how to make it.



1. 1.鸡胸肉解冻洗净,切成条,再切粒。2.将盐,黑胡椒,蚝油等调料放在一起,倒入装鸡肉的碗里,搅拌均匀。 Thaw and wash chicken breast, cut into strips, and then dice. 2. Put salt, black pepper, oyster sauce and other seasonings together, pour into the chicken bowl, stir well

2. 用鸡胸肉盖上保鲜膜,放入冰箱冷藏1到2小时。4.取出鸡肉,在面粉里滚一下,去除多余的淀粉。5.再放入鸡蛋液中,再放到面包糠中裹上即可。 Cover chicken breast with plastic film and refrigerate for 1 to 2 hours. 4. Take out the chicken and roll it in the flour to remove the excess starch. Put the egg into the bran, and then wrap it in the bread.

3. 关于制作自制鸡米花的具体步骤小编已经告诉大家了,是不是很简单,学会了就可以不用去点外卖了哦! About the specific steps of making homemade chicken and rice flower, Xiaobian has told you, is it very simple, you can not order takeout after learning it

