梅菜扣肉的家常做法怎么做 这样做保证好吃 _下饭网 - 分享美味下饭菜!

梅菜扣肉的家常做法怎么做 这样做保证好吃

2020-12-21 14:31:23  浏览:1475  作者:管理员


Braised meat with plum vegetables is a delicious food that we often eat during the Spring Festival. How can we make it delicious? Today, I'll tell you the specific steps of making braised pork with preserved vegetables. Let's have a look.


梅菜扣肉的家常做法怎么做 这样做保证好吃 的做法

1. 带皮五花肉入锅,放上姜片,加水煮约15分钟,直至五花肉全熟捞出,趁热在肉皮上扎一些小孔用老抽给肉均匀地上色后,静置晾干,这部分的老抽我没在食材图里放出,你们按实际需求来起油锅,油要稍多一些,能没过肉皮的量肉皮朝下放入油锅,中小火炸约5分钟,记得及时盖上锅盖,全程用力按紧锅盖炸肉皮的时候一定要及时地盖上锅盖不然很容易崩油此处冒着绳命危险给你们演示一下不及时盖锅盖会怎样关火,等锅内温度下降后,再取出五花肉五花肉静置冷却,切成均匀8mm厚的肉片老抽、生抽、米酒、香油、糖以及白胡椒搅拌均匀,调成调味汁将调味汁淋在肉片上,肉片之间也要淋到,静置腌一会儿梅干菜用清水泡软,捞出后,沥干切碎梅干菜入锅炒香后,放香叶、八角翻炒倒入腌过肉的调味汁,焖煮3-5分钟。 Add ginger slices to the pot, add water and cook for about 15 minutes until the pork is cooked. Dig some small holes in the skin while it is hot. Color the meat evenly with soy sauce and let it dry in the air. I didn't release this part of the old soy sauce in the food map. You should start the oil pan according to the actual needs. You can put the meat skin down in the oil pan and fry it for about 5 minutes at a low heat Zhong, remember to put the lid on the pot in time. Press the lid tightly all the way. When frying the meat skin, you must cover the lid in time.

2. 腌过的肉片,按肉皮朝下的角度整齐地排在碗中煮过的梅干菜均匀平整地铺在肉片上,再放上刚刚捞出的香叶和八角入蒸锅蒸1个半小时端出梅菜扣肉,捡掉表面的香叶和八角将梅菜扣肉中的汤汁倒入另外的碗中将梅菜扣肉汤汁加水淀粉,煮至浓稠取一个盘子,扣在装梅菜扣肉的碗上,迅速倒扣揭开装梅菜扣肉的碗,将浓稠的汤汁淋上去撒一点葱花,配一碗白米饭,开动。 The pickled meat slices are arranged in a bowl according to the angle of the meat skin downward. The cooked dried plum vegetables are evenly and evenly spread on the meat slices. Then, put the fragrant leaves and star anise that have just been fished out into the steamer and steam for 1.5 hours. Remove the leaf and star anise on the surface, and pour the soup juice from the braised meat with plum vegetables into another bowl, add starch to the soup juice, and cook until thick, take a plate and buckle it in On the bowl with preserved vegetables and meat, quickly reverse the button and open the bowl. Pour the thick soup onto the bowl, sprinkle with a little green onion and a bowl of white rice.

3. 关于制作梅菜扣肉的方法小编就给大家简单的说到这里了,其实这道菜是一道非常经典的菜系,大家感兴趣的话可以学起来哦! As for the method of making braised meat with plum vegetables, I'll give you a brief introduction here. In fact, this dish is a very classic dish. If you are interested, you can learn it!

