家常风味茄子的做法怎么做_下饭网 - 分享美味下饭菜!


2020-12-21 21:20:11  浏览:1381  作者:管理员


The home style eggplant is actually a delicious food that many people like. The process of making home style eggplant is very simple. If you want to learn it, you can have a look with Xiaobian.



1. 先把茄子洗净去蒂切条 ,放入盐、白醋、淀粉拌匀腌制5分钟;姜、蒜、和小葱切好,再把青椒切块。锅中放入油后将茄条放入锅中炒熟后捞出; Wash the eggplant and cut into strips, add salt, white vinegar and starch, marinate for 5 minutes; cut ginger, garlic and green onion, then cut green pepper into pieces. Put the oil in the pot, put the eggplant strips into the pot, fry them until cooked, and then remove them;

2. 再在锅中放入适量油,放入肉末炒干水分,放入切好的青椒块炒匀,放入老抽、蚝油、料酒、盐、鸡精、茄条翻炒均匀,最后装盘撒上葱花即可。 Then put in the right amount of oil in the pot, add the minced meat, stir fry the water, put in the green pepper slices, stir fry well, add the soy sauce, oyster sauce, cooking wine, salt, chicken essence, eggplant strips, stir fry evenly, and finally put on the plate and sprinkle with green onion.

3. 关于制作家常风味茄子的方法小编就在这里简单的跟大家说到这里了,按照这个方法做出来的口感肯定可以和餐馆的相比哦! About the method of making home-made eggplant, Xiaobian simply told you here. The taste made by this method can certainly be compared with that of restaurants!

