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竹笋怎么做好吃 做法大全看完流口水了

2020-12-21 13:28:03  浏览:1383  作者:我们的歌


Bamboo shoots are delicious, especially winter bamboo shoots. How to make bamboo shoots delicious? Today, I'd like to introduce the practice of bamboo shoots to you. I don't believe you will not drool after reading it.

竹笋怎么做好吃 做法大全看完流口水了

竹笋怎么做好吃 做法大全看完流口水了的做法

1. 准备好材料(猪肉把带肥的和瘦肉的分开),冬笋切片后焯水备用(焯水后笋吃起来不会涩)。 Prepare the ingredients (pork, separate the fat and lean pork), slice the winter bamboo shoots and blanch them for use (the boiled bamboo shoots will not taste astringent).

2. 锅中倒少许油,把带肥的肉丢进去炒至轻微变黄,再加入瘦肉一起炒(根据个人口味,我喜欢把肉炒的有点焦焦的,特别香而且不腻)。 Pour a little oil into the pan, fry the fat meat until it turns slightly yellow, and then add the lean meat to stir fry (according to my taste, I like to fry the meat a little burnt, especially fragrant and not greasy).

3. 最后,放盐、鸡精调料,还有最最重要的一步就是料酒,记得一定要放,这个可以去涩的,还可以提香。 Finally, add salt, chicken essence seasoning, and the most important step is cooking wine. Remember to put it. This can remove the astringency and improve the aroma.



