手撕杏鲍菇怎么炒好吃_下饭网 - 分享美味下饭菜!


2021-01-10 19:47:21  浏览:4396  作者:管理员


You must have eaten the Pleurotus eryngii. The taste of Pleurotus eryngii is very good. You can try to eat the Pleurotus eryngii. How can you stir fry the Pleurotus eryngii with your hand? Next, you can take a small book and have a look.



1. 把胡萝卜和青椒切丝,蒜切片,杏鲍菇撕成条状,锅中倒入适量的食用油,加入蒜片爆香。倒入手撕好的杏鲍菇翻炒,加入1勺生抽翻炒。 Shred the carrot and green pepper, slice the garlic, tear the Pleurotus eryngii into strips, pour the proper amount of cooking oil into the pot, add the garlic slices and saute until fragrant. Pour in the shredded Pleurotus eryngii and stir fry. Add 1 teaspoon of soy sauce and stir fry.

2. 继续加入1/2蚝油翻炒,加少许细砂糖提鲜。下入胡萝卜和青椒炒段生,加入1/2小吃鸡精调味即可出锅。 Continue to add 1 / 2 oyster sauce stir fry, add a little sugar fresh. Add carrots and green peppers to stir fry, add 1 / 2 snack chicken essence to taste, and then out of the pot.

3. 手撕杏鲍菇怎么炒好吃,就是按照上面的方法去做吧,味道绝对是很好的,这道菜本身也是比较家常的一道菜,所以大家可以去去尝试尝试,上班族很方便的呀。 How to stir fry Pleurotus eryngii by hand is to do it according to the above method. The taste is absolutely good. This dish itself is a more homely dish, so you can try it. It's very convenient for office workers.



