椒盐皮皮虾的这样做很好吃_下饭网 - 分享美味下饭菜!


2021-01-05 22:32:18  浏览:1662  作者:管理员


There are many ways to make prawns. Today I'll teach you how to make prawns with salt and pepper skin. It's delicious. Let's learn it quickly and make it the most delicious food on your table.



1. 腌好的虾裹些许生粉,入热油锅炸至变色,捞出,待油温升高,再入油锅复炸,捞出备用,正所谓一遍熟,两遍脆。 Marinated shrimp wrapped in a little flour, deep fry in hot oil until discolored, remove, wait for the oil temperature to rise, then re fry in oil, remove reserve, is the so-called once cooked, twice crisp.

2. 锅内留底油,加一切葱姜等沫沫,翻炒至脱水变色,转小火入虾,盐,椒盐翻炒均匀,加适量白砂糖,翻炒均匀,关火装盘。开啃! Leave the bottom oil in the pot, add all green onion and ginger foam, stir fry until dehydrated and discolored, turn down the heat, add shrimp, salt, pepper and salt, stir fry evenly, add appropriate amount of white granulated sugar, stir fry evenly, turn off the heat and put on the plate. Open bite!

3. 椒盐皮皮虾的这样做很好吃,大家学会了了吗,是不是很简单,按照这样的方法制作皮皮虾,绝对超好吃,到时候家里来客人了,都可以作为你的拿手菜。 Pepper and salt skin prawns are very delicious. Have you learned it? Is it very simple to make skin prawns according to this method? It's absolutely delicious. When the guests come, they can be your specialty.



