肠胃不好怎么调理 这3种药膳让你更健康_下饭网 - 分享美味下饭菜!

肠胃不好怎么调理 这3种药膳让你更健康

2020-12-21 09:45:56  浏览:1047  作者:管理员


If you don't pay attention to it, it will lead to stomach disease, so you must pay attention to diet and eat on time. So how to recuperate intestines and stomach? First of all, focus on nourishing the stomach. The following three kinds of medicated diet are very effective.

肠胃不好怎么调理 这3种药膳让你更健康


Diet injury stomach: Shenqu japonica rice porridge; ingredients: Shenqu 15g, orange peel 3G, japonica rice 50g. Method: grind Shenqu into fine powder, put it into the pot, add proper amount of water, soak for 5-10 minutes, then fry the juice, add japonica rice and tangerine peel to make porridge. Efficacy: invigorate spleen and stomach, help digestion.

肠胃不好怎么调理 这3种药膳让你更健康


Chinese yam and barley porridge: Ingredients: iron stick Chinese yam 200g, Italian rice 50g, stem rice 50g, jujube 20g practice: Job's tears wash, soak one night, big jujube wash soak 10 minutes, Chinese yam peeled, washed and sliced. Wash the rice and put it into a pot. Add the amount of water, add the cut yam and the washed jujube, and cook it into porridge.

肠胃不好怎么调理 这3种药膳让你更健康

红枣莲子粥 食材:红枣、莲子、梗米,莲子要泡一下,然后把里面的芯去掉,这样才不会苦。然后把食材全部放入锅里熬粥即可。

Red date lotus seed porridge ingredients: red dates, lotus seeds, stem rice, lotus seeds to soak, and then remove the core inside, so that it will not be bitter. Then put all the ingredients into the pot to make porridge.

肠胃不好怎么调理 这3种药膳让你更健康的做法

1. 肠胃不好真的很遭罪,不注意的话还会导致引发胃病,所以一定要注意饮食,按时吃饭什么的。那么肠胃不好怎么调理呢?首先重在养胃,下面这3...If you don't pay attention to it

2. it will lead to stomach disease

3. so you must pay attention to diet and eat on time. So how to recu

