红烧茄子怎样烧才好吃_下饭网 - 分享美味下饭菜!


2021-01-08 23:44:47  浏览:4670  作者:管理员


Eggplant is a very common vegetable, and there are many ways to make it. We can often see it at barbecue stalls, and we can also make braised eggplant at home. How to make braised eggplant delicious? Let's see how to make it.



1. 茄子切块,舀进两勺干淀粉,用手拌匀。西红柿、青椒切块,蒜切片,调料汁:1勺淀粉+3勺水+2勺酱油+1勺耗油+1勺糖+半勺盐,3小勺面粉,3小勺淀粉,一个鸡蛋,适量水调成面糊。茄子放进去滚一圈,每面都要粘上面糊。 Cut the eggplant into pieces, scoop in two teaspoons of dry starch, mix well by hand. Cut tomatoes and green peppers, slice garlic, sauce: 1 teaspoon starch + 3 teaspoons water + 2 teaspoons soy sauce + 1 teaspoon oil consumption + 1 teaspoon sugar + half a teaspoon salt, 3 teaspoons flour, 3 teaspoons starch, an egg, appropriate amount of water to make a batter. Put the eggplant in and roll around. Stick the paste on each side.

2. 滚好后下油锅炸,炸到这样金黄色捞出。锅留底油,下蒜瓣爆香后加西红柿、青椒大火炒,炒至断生后加入调好的料汁,煮开以后放茄子,翻炒均匀就可以出锅了! After rolling, deep fry in oil pan until it is golden. Leave the bottom oil in the pan, saute the garlic, add the tomato and green pepper, stir fry in high heat, add the seasoned juice, boil, put the eggplant, stir fry evenly, then you can get out of the pot!

3. 红烧茄子怎样烧才好吃,按照上面的做法来,绝对让你很喜欢的呀,这种做法很多饭店也是经常用的,所以不用担心做出来味道不好吃,这道菜赶紧get起来吧。 How to make braised eggplant delicious? According to the above method, you will definitely like it. This method is often used in many restaurants, so don't worry about the taste. Get this dish quickly.



