超嫩滑蒸鸡蛋羹怎么做口感佳_下饭网 - 分享美味下饭菜!


2021-01-01 22:40:15  浏览:1791  作者:管理员


The delicious boiled spicy bass is finished in this way. After reading Xiaobian's explanation, do you think it's very simple? So Xiaobian will give you a simple talk here!



1. 鸡蛋两个,加4整蛋壳温开水(50-60℃)。手动蛋抽搅拌均匀,加少许盐,搅拌过后鸡蛋会出好多沫,勺子撇去不要。 You've made egg soup in your life. This dish is not only simple, but also easy to make. Today, I'll teach you how to make super delicious egg soup.

2. 碗上面扣盘子,盖上锅盖,水开后计时蒸8-10分钟,焖3分钟。放生抽,芝麻香油调味。嫩滑爽口,如同豆腐脑,布丁一样,营养丰富易消化。 Buckle the plate on the top of the bowl, cover the pan, steam for 8-10 minutes and simmer for 3 minutes after the water boils. Release the smoke, sesame oil seasoning. Tender, smooth and refreshing, just like bean curd and pudding, it is nutritious and easy to digest.

3. 其实制作鸡蛋羹的方法非常的简单,大家可以在家里按照小编的方法去做一做哦,保证家里的小孩会喜欢吃。 In fact, the method of making egg soup is very simple. You can make it at home according to the method of making it up to ensure that the children at home will like it.

